Research and Development

Irsa Engineering and Research and Development Department is composed of experienced experts in the country’s steel industry in the fields of industrial design, energy conversion, manufacturing, metallurgy and instrumentation, civil engineering and architecture.

Technical office experts using up-to-date engineering design and analysis software such as: SOLIDWORKS، AUTOCAD، ANSYS FLUENT، ABAQUS and SIMUFACT

Laboratory and software site

Irsa Steel Company has signed a cooperation agreement with Najafabad University Laboratory, which is one of the most advanced fluid and heat transfer sites in Iran, to carry out its tests and researches and uses the facilities of this laboratory to advance its goals.

Fluid analysis of Sirjan Iranian elbow Identify external sample design defects


Thermal analysis of the copper shoe of the world of Sirjan Steel in order to optimize the water-cooled way


Fluid analysis of Sirjan Iranian elbow Identify external sample design defects


Thermal analysis of 400 type in order to identification of hot zones and optimization of water cooled system



localization and fluid analysis of water-cooled way of Danieli arm design in order to determine how the fluid circulates in the collection and redesign

